Saturday, January 22, 2011

Physical Education - Chinese Jump Ropes and Long Rope Rhymes

This week's agenda was:

1.  Warm-Up = Jump and Jog
2.  Jump Rope Activities = Long Ropes (learning rhymes) and Chinese Ropes
3.  Poison Ball (For a video of this game, click HERE)

Two of my classes this week were the lucky ones.....we had two special visitors from the high school!  These two Kenowa Hills seniors came to demonstrate some jump rope skills and also spend time jumping with the students.  We had a lot of fun!  Below are some videos of our special guests.

Wow - check this out!

Criss Cross and Doubles

2nd graders demonstrating the rhyme "Bubble Gum"

2nd graders demonstrating the rhyme "Teddy Bear"

Chinese Jump Rope Videos

5th graders doing the criss cross

Jumping the "Name Game": Spell your name while doing straddle jumps, then end it with In-On-Out.

Jumping the pattern "American's" (4 straddles, In-On-Out)

5th graders playing our "Elimination Game" (jumping in, jumping out without getting caught in the rope).

3rd grader practicing frog jumps with long rope.


  1. Great Job Carly3!!!

  2. I have been asked to take on the PE Dept at a Charter School. It is K-6. Their teacher abruptly quit. No plans or long term vision was left. I have a Master's degree in Education but not in PE. I have studied and studied your blog. I wish I could thank you in person for what you have done. Your work has given me plans, visuals, and confidence to take this on. I hope you can feel my gratitude, Kristin Brown

  3. Thanks, Kristin. I'm so glad you have found my blog useful. I hope things are going well with your new PE job! I am working on a web page to organize all of my games. Check it out!

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