Saturday, June 2, 2018

Field Day 2018 "Superheroes" and REAL HEROS!

Field day is always one of the favorite days of the year for many students.  This year certainly was memorable!  We had many parent volunteers which made it very successful.  Our PTO is always so generous, and they work hard to make this day great for everyone.  I'm thankful we have such strong support from our families!

This year our PTO selected "Superheros" as the theme for Field Day.  I thought this would be a great opportunity for a learning experience for our students.  I invited some REAL HEROS to our field day!  All it took were a few phone calls and emails to arrange for some very special guests.  We were blessed to have the Firefighters, Police, and National Guard volunteer at our field day this year!  They each ran training courses for the students.  The children LOVED it, and they were inspired to be in the presence of real life heros!  Many thanks to these heros who spent their day with us!

Please check out the pictures and videos below for a glimpse of our day!

Thank you KHEF!

I am writing this post to say a huge THANK YOU to the KHEF for fulfilling my request for a grant
this school year!  I was able to purchase a new parachute which is large enough to accomodate all of my students.  This parachute has all the colors of the rainbow, which ties into my management plan of organizing my class by colors.  My older parachute only accomodated smaller children and a class of 20 students.  There was enough money to purchase a rainbow set of beach balls and jump ropes as well!

Parachute games are a great workout, and also teach teamwork and cooperation.  This parachute will be enjoyed by thousands of students for years and years to come!

Check out the pictures and videos below to see how much fun the students had playing!
Students put "one foot on their color" to begin so they each have a spot and know their color for the games we play.  They also stand like this when we pause to learn new games.  This helps students stay focused and listen to the directions before picking up the parachute.